God Eater 2 Long Sword Blood Arts

Jersey.png Shen.png Baxter.png
BladeIcon1.png Short Blade BladeIcon2.png Long Blade BladeIcon3.png Buster Blade
McHammer.png Britney.png VariantScythe.png
BladeIcon4.png Boost Hammer BladeIcon5.png Charge Spear BladeIcon6.png Variant Scythe

PSP GE Square Button.png Attack 1

Misty Moon/ 朧月

Enhances normal Square Attacks with a separate oracle slash, slightly increasing damage. The oracle slash has its own hitbox and hits slightly wider and further out, thus there might be some problems trying to get both to hit the same place.
Name (JPN) Unlock Rate Up Pledge 1 Pledge 2
[ I ] 朧月 1: Perform Square attacks

2: Perform critical attacks

Vow of pursuit (Strong): Provide required damage +30%

Effect = Rampage rate 30%up

[ II ] 朧月 1: Use [ I ] 朧月

2: Perform critical attacks

Vow of pursuit (Strong): Provide required damage +30%

Effect = Rampage rate 30%up

[ III ] 朧月 1: Use [ II ] 朧月

2: Perform critical attacks 3: Critical attack 3 times in mission

Vow of pursuit (Strong): Provide required damage +30%

Effect = Rampage rate 30%up

Combo attack execution: Generate 20 attack hits

Effect = Rampage rate 20%up

[ IV ] 朧月 1: Use [ III ] 朧月

2: Perform critical attacks 3: Critical attack 3 times in mission

Vow of pursuit (Strong): Provide required damage +30%

Effect = Rampage rate 30%up

Combo attack execution: Generate 20 attack hits

Effect = Rampage rate 20%up

Sonic Caliber/ ソニックキャリバー

Fires oracle blades during normal Square Attacks. Oracle blades travel a significant distance and have separate hitboxes. Does slightly less damage than Misty Moon.
Name (JPN) Unlock Rate Up Pledge 1 Pledge 2
[ I ] ソニックキャリバー 1: Perform square attacks

2: Perform critical attacks

Vow of pursuit (Strong): Provide required damage +30%

Effect = Rampage rate 30%up

[ II ] ソニックキャリバー 1: Use [ I ] ソニックキャリバー

2: Perform critical attacks

Vow of pursuit (Strong): Provide required damage +30%

Effect = Rampage rate 30%up

[ III ] ソニックキャリバー 1: Use [ II ] ソニックキャリバー

2: Perform critical attacks 3: Critical attack 3 times in mission

Vow of pursuit (Strong): Provide required damage +30%

Effect = Rampage rate 30%up

Determination: Reduces Player's max HP by 20%

Effect = Rampage rate 30%up

[ IV ] ソニックキャリバー 1: Use [ III ] ソニックキャリバー

2: Perform critical attacks 3: Critical attack 3 times in mission

Vow of pursuit (Strong): Provide required damage +30%

Effect = Rampage rate 30%up

Determination: Reduces Player's max HP by 20%

Effect = Rampage rate 30%up

Arc Caliber/ アークキァリバー*

[ I ][ II ][ III ][ IV ] Does more damage if hit enemy's weak point.
Name (JPN) Unlock Rate Up Pledge 1 Pledge 2
[ I ] アークキャリバー 1: Perform square attacks

2: Perform critical attacks

Vow of pursuit (Truth): Provide required damage +40%

Effect = Rampage rate 40%up

[ II ] アークキャリバー 1: Use [ I ] アークキャリバー

2: Perform critical attacks

Vow of pursuit (Truth): Provide required damage +40%

Effect = Rampage rate 40%up

[ III ] アークキャリバー 1: Use [ II ] アークキャリバー

2: Perform critical attacks 3: Critical attack 3 times in mission

Vow of pursuit (Truth): Provide required damage +40%

Effect = Rampage rate 40%up

Determination: Reduces Player's max HP by 20%

Effect = Rampage rate 30%up

[ IV ] アークキャリバー 1: Use [ III ] アークキャリバー

2: Perform critical attacks 3: Critical attack 3 times in mission

Vow of pursuit (Truth): Provide required damage +40%

Effect = Rampage rate 40%up

Determination: Reduces Player's max HP by 20%

Effect = Rampage rate 30%up

PSP GE Square Button.png Attack 2

Iron Splitter/ 斬鉄

Replaces the 4th Square Attack with a charged attack, and has increased area of effect at Rank III.
Name (JPN) Unlock Rate Up Pledge 1 Pledge 2
[ I ] 斬鉄 Already unlocked Vow of pursuit (Truth): Provide required damage +40%

Effect = Rampage rate 40%up

[ II ] 斬鉄 1: Use [ I ] 斬鉄

2: Perform critical attacks

Vow of pursuit (Truth): Provide required damage +40%

Effect = Rampage rate 40%up

[ III ] 斬鉄 1: Use [ II ] 斬鉄

2: Perform critical attacks 3: Critical attack 3 times in mission

Vow of pursuit (Truth): Provide required damage +40%

Effect = Rampage rate 40%up

Supreme Ruler's Single Hit: Provide a 2500 one hit damage attack

Effect = Rampage Rate 25%up

[ IV ] 斬鉄 1: Use [ III ] 斬鉄

2: Perform critical attacks 3: Critical attack 3 times in mission

Vow of pursuit (Truth): Provide required damage +40%

Effect = Rampage rate 40%up

The Absolute's Single Hit: Provide a 5000 one hit damage attack

Effect = Rampage Rate 30%up

Vampiric Blade/ 吸命刃

Enhances the 4th Square Attack to recover HP if it hits. Recovers 5/10/12/15 HP from Rank I -IV.
Name (JPN) Unlock Rate Up Pledge 1 Pledge 2
[ I ] 吸命刃 1: Use Square to attack (4 stage combo)

2: Perform critical attacks

Vow of pursuit (Strong): Provide required damage +30%

Effect = Rampage rate 30%up

[ II ] 吸命刃 1: Use [ I ] 吸命刃

2: Perform critical attacks

Vow of pursuit (Strong): Provide required damage +30%

Effect = Rampage rate 30%up

[ III ] 吸命刃 1: Use [ II ] 吸命刃

2: Perform critical attacks 3: Critical attack 3 times in mission

Vow of pursuit (Strong): Provide required damage +30%

Effect = Rampage rate 30%up

Bravery of price challenges: Challenges during, and medium to its own damage

Effect = Rampage rate ???up [needs translation check]

[ IV ] 吸命刃 1: Use [ III ] 吸命刃

2: Perform critical attacks 3: Critical attack 3 times in mission

Vow of pursuit (Strong): Provide required damage +30%

Effect = Rampage rate 30%up

Bravery of price challenges: Challenges during, and medium to its own damage

Effect = Rampage rate ???up [needs translation check]

PSP GE Triangle Button.png Attack

Barrier Slide/ バリアスライド

Grants a light super armor during Triangle Attacks and small Aragami Oracle attacks are absorbed harmlessly. The super armor gets a little bit stronger at Rank III.
Name (JPN) Unlock Rate Up Pledge 1 Pledge 2
[ I ] バリアスライド 1: Use Triangle attacks

2: Perform critical attacks

Determination: Reduces Player's max HP by 20%

Effect = Rampage rate 30%up

[ II ] バリアスライド 1: Use [ I ] バリアスライド

2: Perform critical attacks

Determination: Reduces Player's max HP by 20%

Effect = Rampage rate 30%up

[ III ] バリアスライド 1: Use [ II ] バリアスライド

2: Perform critical attacks 3: Critical attack 3 times in mission

Fatal Living: Reduces Player's max HP by 50%

Effect = Rampage rate 40%up

Elsie's weight: Reduces Player's Max ST by 50%

Effect = Rampage Rate 50%

[ IV ] バリアスライド 1: Use [ I ] バリアスライド

2: Perform critical attacks 3: Critical attack 3 times in mission

Fatal Living: Reduces Player's max HP by 50%

Effect = Rampage rate 40%up

Elsie's weight: Reduces Player's Max ST by 50%

Effect = Rampage Rate 50%

Tornado Rush/ ドライブツイスター

Changes the first Triangle Attack into a quick forward step, traveling about the same distance as a standard step. Upon contact with an enemy an upward swing will be done. If nothing is encountered, no stamina will be consumed, and can be chained into another quick forward step. Upon hitting the first Triangle Attack with the upward swing, the second Triangle Attack will be the second hit of the default Triangle Attack.
Name (JPN) Unlock Rate Up Pledge 1 Pledge 2
[ I ] ドライブツイスター 1: Use Triangle attacks

2: Perform critical attacks

Soldier's Single Hit: Provide a 500 one hit damage attack

Effect = Rampage Rate 10%up

[ II ] ドライブツイスター 1: Use [ I ] ドライブツイスター

2: Perform critical attacks

Soldier's Single Hit: Provide a 500 one hit damage attack

Effect = Rampage Rate 10%up

[ III ] ドライブツイスター 1: Use [ II ] ドライブツイスター

2: Perform critical attacks 3: Critical attack 3 times in mission

Strong Person's Single Hit: Provide a 1000 one hit damage attack

Effect = Rampage Rate 20%up

Combo attack execution: Generate 20 attack hits

Effect = Rampage rate 20%up

[ IV ] ドライブツイスター 1: Use [ III ] ドライブツイスター

2: Perform critical attacks 3: Critical attack 3 times in mission

Supreme Ruler's Single Hit: Provide a 2500 one hit damage attack

Effect = Rampage Rate 25%up

Combo attack execution: Generate 20 attack hits

Effect = Rampage rate 20%up

Secret Sword: Rising Rising Dragon/ 秘剣・昇り飛竜

Changes Triangle Attack into a short forward step. Can be used up to three times, on the fourth press of the button, an upward slash with a short charging time will occur. As this does not consume stamina at all, it's very useful in dodging and repositioning. However the attack will only occur after the 3rd step, making this not as useful when going all out to attack a stationary enemy. Works very well with Selfless State skill (damage increased by 20% when stamina is below 25).
Name (JPN) Unlock Rate Up Pledge 1 Pledge 2
[ IV ] 秘剣・昇り飛竜 0: Max [ III ] ドライブツイスター

1: Perform 5 consecutive hits Using [ IV ] ドライブツイスター 2: Perform 10 consecutive hits Using [ IV ] ドライブツイスター

Straight: Provide a 11111 one hit damage attack

Effect = Rampage Rate 60%up

Elsie's weight: Reduces Player's Max ST by 50%

Effect = Rampage Rate 50%

PSP GE Triangle Button.png Attack 2*

Crashing Wave Cut/ 波濤斬り

Enhances Triangle Attack power and distance traveled. It is essentially "Gale Katana: Iron 【疾風ノ太刀・鉄】" without the follow up slashes and travels further.
Name (JPN) Unlock Rate Up Pledge 1 Pledge 2
[ I ] 波濤斬り 1: Use Triangle attack

2: Perform critical attacks

Vow of pursuit (Strong): Provide required damage +30%

Effect = Rampage rate 30%up

[ II ] 波濤斬り 1: Use [ I ] 波濤斬り

2: Perform critical attacks

Vow of pursuit (Strong): Provide required damage +30%

Effect = Rampage rate 30%up

[ III ] 波濤斬り 1: Use [ II ] 波濤斬り

2: Perform critical attacks 3: Critical attack 3 times in mission

Vow of pursuit (Strong): Provide required damage +30%

Effect = Rampage rate 30%up

Elsie's weight: Reduces Player's Max ST by 50%

Effect = Rampage Rate 50%

[ IV ] 波濤斬り 1: Use [ III ] 波濤斬り

2: Perform critical attacks 3: Critical attack 3 times in mission

Vow of pursuit (Strong): Provide required damage +30%

Effect = Rampage rate 30%up

Elsie's weight: Reduces Player's Max ST by 50%

Effect = Rampage Rate 50%

Air PSP GE Square Button.png Attack

Aerial Caliber/ エリアルキャリバー

Fires medium-long-range Oracle blades when using Air Square. Fires two blades starting at Rank III. The blades fired out have separate hit boxes, and the blades do not recover OP upon hit. Horizontal angle can be adjusted slightly during firing.
Name (JPN) Unlock Rate Up Pledge 1 Pledge 2
[ I ] エリアルキャリバー 1: Use Square attack in the air

2: Perform critical attacks

Vow of pursuit (Strong): Provide required damage +30%

Effect = Rampage rate 30%up

[ II ] エリアルキャリバー 1: Use [ I ] エリアルキャリバー

2: Perform critical attacks

Vow of pursuit (Strong): Provide required damage +30%

Effect = Rampage rate 30%up

[ III ] エリアルキャリバー 1: Use [ II ] エリアルキャリバー

2: Perform critical attacks 3: Critical attack 3 times in mission

Vow of pursuit (Strong): Provide required damage +30%

Effect = Rampage rate 30%up

Flying Mockingbird: Generate 20 hits mid air

Effect - Rampage Rate up 25%Up

[ IV ] エリアルキャリバー 1: Use [ III ] エリアルキャリバー

2: Perform critical attacks 3: Critical attack 3 times in mission

Vow of pursuit (Strong): Provide required damage +30%

Effect = Rampage rate 30%up

Flying Mockingbird: Generate 20 hits mid air

Effect - Rampage Rate up 25%Up



Air PSP GE Triangle Button.png Attack

Slaughter Gear/ ジェノサイドギア

Changes Air Triangle into a stationary spinning attack in the air. Can be done extra times in the air (2~4 spins from Rank II to IV). As this attacks makes the player completely stationary, one might get hit either during the attack or when the player lands. On the other hand, staying in the air for so long allows easy dodging of ground based attacks. Excellent for destroying tall parts.
Name (JPN) Unlock Rate Up Pledge 1 Pledge 2
[ I ] ジェノサイドギア 1: Use Triangle attacks in the air

2: Perform critical attacks

Vow of pursuit (Strong): Provide required damage +30%

Effect = Rampage rate 30%up

[ II ] ジェノサイドギア 1: Use [ I ] ジェノサイドギア

2: Perform critical attacks

Vow of pursuit (Strong): Provide required damage +30%

Effect = Rampage rate 30%up

[ III ] ジェノサイドギア 1: Use [ II ] ジェノサイドギア

2: Perform critical attacks 3: Critical attack 3 times in mission

Vow of pursuit (Strong): Provide required damage +30%

Effect = Rampage rate 30%up

Singing Hummingbird: Generate 10 hits mid air

Effect - Rampage Rate up 15%Up

[ IV ] ジェノサイドギア 1: Use [ III ] ジェノサイドギア

2: Perform critical attacks 3: Critical attack 3 times in mission

Vow of pursuit (Strong): Provide required damage +30%

Effect = Rampage rate 30%up

Singing Hummingbird: Generate 10 hits mid air

Effect - Rampage Rate up 15%Up

Skanda/ 韋駄天

Enhances Air Triangle to travel a much, much greater distance in a short amount of time with increased damage. The movement can be used tactically. Consumes stamina.
Name (JPN) Unlock Rate Up Pledge 1 Pledge 2
[ I ] 韋駄天 1: Use Triangle attack in the air

2: Perform critical attacks

Vow of pursuit (Truth): Provide required damage +40%

Effect = Rampage rate 40%up

Combo attack execution: Generate 20 attack hits

Effect = Rampage rate 20%up

[ II ] 韋駄天 1: Use [ I ] 韋駄天

2: Perform critical attacks

Vow of pursuit (Truth): Provide required damage +40%

Effect = Rampage rate 40%up

[ III ] 韋駄天 1: Use [ II ] 韋駄天

2: Perform critical attacks 3: Critical attack 3 times in mission

Vow of pursuit (Truth): Provide required damage +40%

Effect = Rampage rate 40%up

Singing Hummingbird: Generate 10 hits mid air

Effect - Rampage Rate up 15%Up

[ IV ] 韋駄天 1: Use [ III ] 韋駄天

2: Perform critical attacks 3: Critical attack 3 times in mission

Vow of pursuit (Truth): Provide required damage +40%

Effect = Rampage rate 40%up

Singing Hummingbird: Generate 10 hits mid air

Effect - Rampage Rate up 15%Up

Apsara Wheel/ 飛天車

Allows multiple uses of Air Triangle, 3 times on Rank III, 4 times on Rank IV. The distance traveled is shorter than the default Air Triangle. Can change directions between each attack. Can be used to attack the same area, or to travel great distances. Hiten Wheel needs to be chained into the next spin quickly, so think quickly on which direction to spin.
Name (JPN) Unlock Rate Up Pledge 1 Pledge 2
[ III ] 飛天車 0: Max [ II ] 韋駄天

1: Use [ II ] 韋駄天 2: Perform critical attacks 3: Critical attack 3 times in mission

Vow of pursuit (Strong): Provide required damage +30%

Effect = Rampage rate 30%up

Singing Hummingbird: Generate 10 hits mid air

Effect - Rampage Rate up 15%Up

[ IV ] 飛天車 1: Use [ III ] 飛天車

2: Perform critical attacks 3: Critical attack 3 times in mission

Vow of pursuit (Strong): Provide required damage +30%

Effect = Rampage rate 30%up

Singing Hummingbird: Generate 10 hits mid air

Effect - Rampage Rate up 15%Up

Zero Stance

Enduring Blade/ 【無尽ノ太刀・蒼】

Upon using Zero Stance, the blade combo thereafter gains an azure edge, applying increased damage. While this Blood Art lacks the attack power compare to the other two, the constant increase in attack power makes it easily usable in all situations.
Name (JPN) Unlock Rate Up Pledge 1 Pledge 2
[ I ] 無尽ノ太刀・蒼 1: Use Square attack

2: Perform critical attacks

Diligent Study: generate 5 hits in succession using [ I ] 無尽ノ太刀・蒼
[ II ] 無尽ノ太刀・蒼 1: Use [ I ] 無尽ノ太刀・蒼

2: Perform critical attacks

Diligent Study: generate 5 hits in succession using [ II ] 無尽ノ太刀・蒼
[ III ] 無尽ノ太刀・蒼 1: Use [ II ] 無尽ノ太刀・蒼

2: Perform critical attacks 3: Critical attack 3 times in mission

Quite: generate 15 hits in succession using [ III ] 無尽ノ太刀・蒼 Vow of pursuit (Truth): Provide required damage +40%

Effect = Rampage rate 40%up

[ IV ] 無尽ノ太刀・蒼 1: Use [ III ] 無尽ノ太刀・蒼

2: Perform critical attacks 3: Critical attack 3 times in mission

Flawless: generate 20 hits in succession using [ IV ] 無尽ノ太刀・蒼 Vow of pursuit (Truth): Provide required damage +40%

Effect = Rampage rate 40%up

Falling Petal/ 【落花ノ太刀・紅】

Upon using Zero Stance, the player will raise the sword and charge an attack. A small flash will indicate the slash is charged, and pressing Square again will release the concentrated attack. Does extreme damage on critical hits. Can be chained into a block or a step.
Name (JPN) Unlock Rate Up Pledge 1 Pledge 2
[ I ] 落花ノ太刀・紅 1: Use square attack

2: Perform critical attacks

Supreme Ruler's Single Hit: Provide a 2500 one hit damage attack

Effect = Rampage Rate 25%up

[ II ] 落花ノ太刀・紅 1 Use [ I ] 落花ノ太刀・紅

2: Perform critical attacks

Strong Person's Single Hit: Provide a 1000 one hit damage attack

Effect = Rampage Rate 20%up

[ III ] 落花ノ太刀・紅 1 Use [ II ] 落花ノ太刀・紅

2: Perform critical attacks 3: Critical attack 3 times in mission

Supreme Ruler's Single Hit: Provide a 2500 one hit damage attack

Effect = Rampage Rate 25%up

Cassellius Smash: Break down +1 Aragami part

Effect = Rampage Rate 20%up

[ IV ] 落花ノ太刀・紅 1 Use [ III ] 落花ノ太刀・紅

2: Perform critical attacks 3: Critical attack 3 times in mission

Bisection: Provide a 9999 one hit damage attack

Effect = Rampage Rate 50%up

Galestrike/ 【疾風ノ太刀・鉄】

Upon using Zero Stance, pressing Triangle will initiate the usual forward dash attack, upon hitting an enemy, 2/3/4/5 extra slashes will be done on the target, while the player dashes through as per normal. Can be used infinitely as long as the player performs Zero Stance after each attack.
Name (JPN) Unlock Rate Up Pledge 1 Pledge 2
[ I ] 疾風ノ太刀・鉄 1: Use Triangle attacks

2: Perform critical attacks

Vow of pursuit (Truth): Provide required damage +40%

Effect = Rampage rate 40%up

[ II ] 疾風ノ太刀・鉄 1: Use [ I ] 疾風ノ太刀・鉄

2: Perform critical attacks

Vow of pursuit (Truth): Provide required damage +40%

Effect = Rampage rate 40%up

[ III ] 疾風ノ太刀・鉄 1: Use [ II ] 疾風ノ太刀・鉄

2: Perform critical attacks 3: Critical attack 3 times in mission

Vow of pursuit (Truth): Provide required damage +40%

Effect = Rampage rate 40%up

Combo attack execution: Generate 20 attack hits

Effect = Rampage rate 20%up

[ IV ] 疾風ノ太刀・鉄 1: Use [ III ] 疾風ノ太刀・鉄

2: Perform critical attacks 3: Critical attack 3 times in mission

Vow of pursuit (Truth): Provide required damage +40%

Effect = Rampage rate 40%up

Combo attack execution (Truth): Generate 50 attack hits

Effect = Rampage rate 40%up

Zero Stance 2*

Roaring Sunder/【轟破ノ太刀・金】

Upon using Zero Stance, the player readies their blade in a charging stance. Pressing Triangle again will release the built-up energy in a thrust, dealing two hits (blade and aura). Deals additional aura hits (3 additional hits for a total of four hits) starting at level 3. Can also be used to reinforce the first hit of a square blade combo.
Name (JPN) Unlock Rate Up Pledge 1 Pledge 2
[ I ] 轟破ノ太刀・金 1: Use Triangle attack

2: Perform critical attacks

Vow of pursuit (Truth): Provide required damage +40%

Effect = Rampage rate 40%up

[ II ] 轟破ノ太刀・金 1: Use [ I ] 轟破ノ太刀・金

2: Perform critical attacks

Vow of pursuit (Truth): Provide required damage +40%

Effect = Rampage rate 40%up

[ III ] 轟破ノ太刀・金 1: Use [ II ] 轟破ノ太刀・金

2: Perform critical attacks 3: Critical attack 3 times in mission

Vow of pursuit (Truth): Provide required damage +40%

Effect = Rampage rate 40%up

Supreme Ruler's Single Hit: Provide a 2500 one hit damage attack

Effect = Rampage Rate 25%up

[ IV ] 轟破ノ太刀・金 1: Use [ III ] 轟破ノ太刀・金

2: Perform critical attacks 3: Critical attack 3 times in mission

Vow of pursuit (Truth): Provide required damage +40%

Effect = Rampage rate 40%up

The Absolute's Single Hit: Provide a 5000 one hit damage attack

Effect = Rampage Rate 30%up

Halcyon Blade/【無想ノ太刀・黒】

Upon using Zero Stance, the blade combo thereafter gains a purplish edge, applying increased damage. While this Blood Art is similar "Infinite Katana: Azure 【無尽ノ太刀・蒼】", it increases your damage further however it costs stamina now.
Name (JPN) Unlock Rate Up Pledge 1 Pledge 2
[ I ] 無想ノ太刀・黒 1: Use Square attack

2: Perform critical attacks

????: generate 5 hits in succession using [ I ] 無想ノ太刀・黒

Effect = Rampage Rate ??%up

[ II ] 無想ノ太刀・黒 1: Use [ I ] 無想ノ太刀・黒

2: Perform critical attacks

????: generate 5 hits in succession using [ II ] 無想ノ太刀・黒

Effect = Rampage Rate ??%up

[ III ] 無想ノ太刀・黒 1: Use [ II ] 無想ノ太刀・黒

2: Perform critical attacks 3: Critical attack 3 times in mission

????: generate 10 hits in succession using [ III ] 無想ノ太刀・黒

Effect = Rampage Rate ??%up

Elmer's steps: Reduces Player's Max ST by 30%

Effect = rampage rate 30%up

[ IV ] 無想ノ太刀・黒 1: Use [ III ] 無想ノ太刀・黒

2: Perform critical attacks 3: Critical attack 3 times in mission

????: generate 15 hits in succession using [ IV ] 無想ノ太刀・黒

Effect = Rampage Rate ??%up

Elmer's steps: Reduces Player's Max ST by 30%

Effect = rampage rate 30%up

Impulse Edge 1

IE Mk4: Detonate/ 【IE肆式・轟爆】

Changes the standard IE to Explosion Type. As the explosion occurs slightly away from the player, it might miss the area right in front of the player. Does increased number of hits depending on level. Does Crush damage. Does not hit allies.
Name (JPN) Unlock Rate Up Pledge 1 Pledge 2
[ I ] IE肆式・轟爆 1: Hit with Impulse Edge (R+Square)

2: Perform critical attacks

Vow of pursuit (Sever): Provide required damage +50%

Effect = Rampage rate 70%up

[ II ] IE肆式・轟爆 1: Use [ I ] IE肆式・轟爆

2: Perform critical attacks

Vow of pursuit (Sever): Provide required damage +50%

Effect = Rampage rate 70%up

[ III ] IE肆式・轟爆 1: Use [ II ] IE肆式・轟爆

2: Perform critical attacks 3: Critical attack 3 times in mission

Vow of pursuit (Sever): Provide required damage +50%

Effect = Rampage rate 70%up

Elsie's weight: Reduces Player's Max ST by 50%

Effect = Rampage Rate 50%

[ IV ] IE肆式・轟爆 1: Use [ III ] IE肆式・轟爆

2: Perform critical attacks 3: Critical attack 3 times in mission

Vow of pursuit (Sever): Provide required damage +50%

Effect = Rampage rate 70%up

Elsie's weight: Reduces Player's Max ST by 50%

Effect = Rampage Rate 50%



IE Type0: Slash/ 【IE零式・斬】

Changes the standard IE to Slash Type. Can be only activated 3 minutes into the mission (in Rage Burst, the first 3 minutes lock has been removed), and consumes 100 OP upon use. The skill will summon a oracle orb and slash it upward. Cannot be cancelled into anything else during the charging animation. If interrupted when the oracle orb has been summoned, the oracle orb stay there for a few seconds and will explode with contact.
Name (JPN) Unlock Rate Up Pledge 1 Pledge 2
[ IV ] IE零式・斬 0: Max [ III ] IE肆式・轟爆

1: Get 10 Critical attacks with [ IV ] IE肆式・轟爆

Vow of pursuit (Sever): Provide required damage +50%

Effect = Rampage rate 70%up

Hagen's plan: Player's impulse edge prohibited

Effect = rampage rate 45%up

IE Mk5: Laser/ 【IE伍式・照射】

Changes the standard IE to super large Laser Type. Does increasing number of hits as the Rank increases. Does Piercing damage. Does not hit allies.
Name (JPN) Unlock Rate Up Pledge 1 Pledge 2
[ II ] IE伍式・照射 0: Max [ I ] IE肆式・轟爆

1: Use [ I ] IE肆式・轟爆 2: Perform critical attacks

Vow of pursuit (Sever): Provide required damage +50%

Effect = Rampage rate 70%up

[ III ] IE伍式・照射 1: Use [ II ] IE伍式・照射

2: Perform critical attacks 3: Critical attack 3 times in mission

Vow of pursuit (Sever): Provide required damage +50%

Effect = Rampage rate 70%up

[ IV ] IE伍式・照射 1: Use [ III ] IE伍式・照射

2: Perform critical attacks 3: Critical attack 3 times in mission

Vow of pursuit (Sever): Provide required damage +50%

Effect = Rampage rate 70%up

Elsie's weight: Reduces Player's Max ST by 50%

Effect = Rampage Rate 50%

Impulse Edge 2

IE Mk1: Chain Blast/ 【IE壱式・連爆】

Consumes lesser OP, does lesser damage, has lesser range than the standard Explosion Impact IE, but can be used in rapid succession. Does not consume stamina and does not hit allies.
Name (JPN) Unlock Rate Up Pledge 1 Pledge 2
[ I ] IE壱式・連爆 1: Use Impulse edge (R+Square)

2: Perform critical attacks

Vow of pursuit (Truth): Provide required damage +40%

Effect = Rampage rate 40%up

[ II ] IE壱式・連爆 1: Use [ I ] IE壱式・連爆

2: Perform critical attacks

Vow of pursuit (Truth): Provide required damage +40%

Effect = Rampage rate 40%up

[ III ] IE壱式・連爆 1: Use [ II ] IE壱式・連爆

2: Perform critical attacks

Vow of pursuit (Truth): Provide required damage +40%

Effect = Rampage rate 40%up

Elsie's weight: Reduces Player's Max ST by 50%

Effect = Rampage Rate 50%

[ IV ] IE壱式・連爆 1: Use [ III ] IE壱式・連爆

2: Perform critical attacks

Vow of pursuit (Truth): Provide required damage +40%

Effect = Rampage rate 40%up

Elsie's weight: Reduces Player's Max ST by 50%

Effect = Rampage Rate 50%



IE Mk2: Rapid Fire/ IE弍式・速射

Changes the standard IE to Rapid Fire Type. Has slight homing effect. OP cost is greatly reduced at Rank IV. Does not consume stamina and does not hit allies.
Name (JPN) Unlock Rate Up Pledge 1 Pledge 2
[ II ] IE弍式・速射 0: Max [ I ] IE壱式・連爆

1: Use [ I ] IE壱式・連爆 2: Perform critical attacks 3: Critical attack 5 times in mission

Combo attack execution (strong): Generate 30 attack hits

Effect = Rampage rate 30%up

[ III ] IE弍式・速射 1: Use [ II ] IE弍式・速射

2: Perform critical attacks 3: Critical attack 5 times in mission

Combo attack execution (strong): Generate 30 attack hits

Effect = Rampage rate 30%up

Elsie's weight: Reduces Player's Max ST by 50%

Effect = Rampage Rate 50%

[ IV ] IE弍式・速射 1: Use [ III ] IE弍式・速射

2: Perform critical attacks 3: Critical attack 3 times in mission

Combo attack execution (strong): Generate 30 attack hits

Effect = Rampage rate 30%up

Elsie's weight: Reduces Player's Max ST by 50%

Effect = Rampage Rate 50%

Long Blade Blood Arts demonstration



See Also

More on Pledges (Vows) and other skills

God Eater 2 Long Sword Blood Arts

Source: https://godeater.fandom.com/wiki/Long_Blade_Blood_Arts

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