Is There a Real School Like Hollywood Arts

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DC Fandome - The Loop

Hollywood Arts
General Information
Location Hollywood, California
Description Performing Arts High School

The Hollywood Arts High School logo, seen in many of the Victorious episodes.

The exterior of Hollywood Arts High School

Hollywood Arts High School is a fictional performing arts high school (grades 9-12) in the Hollywood district in Los Angeles, California. It is the main setting ofVictorious.


  • 1 History
  • 2 Known Teachers
    • 2.1 Other Staff Members
  • 3 Known Students
  • 4 Alumni
  • 5 Classes
  • 6 Traditions/Rules
  • 7 Activities
    • 7.1 School Campus
  • 8 Punishments
  • 9 Trivia
  • 10 In Real Life


It's unknown when and how the school was started/founded or where in Hollywood it's located, but as shown in "Jade with Tots", the school is located next door to a preschool.

As with a regular high school, Hollywood Arts students are required to take core classes such as English, math, science, and social studies. While the school also has an athletics program with various types of sports teams, the primary focus in on the arts.

Hollywood Arts hosts an event called "The Big Showcase" every year, which agents and other talent spotters are invited to attend, and it was during one of these showcases where Tori performed and was invited to join Hollywood Arts after she filled in for her sister, Trina.

According to several posts on TheSlap, the janitor's closet nearest the gang's lockers has video and picture cameras in it, for unknown reasons. Part of the exterior of Hollywood Arts is filmed at Burbank High School but the classrooms and Asphalt Café is filmed at Nickelodeon On Sunset. Hollywood Arts appeared again in Sam & Cat in the episode #MommaGoomer.

Known Teachers

Erwin Sikowitz and Lane Alexander crossing their arms and just chilling out and being cool, they are part of the Hollywood Arts staff.

  • Erwin Sikowitz - Acting/Improvisation Teacher, Head of Student Activities
  • Lane Alexander - Guidance Counselor
  • Mrs. Yonders - Acting History Teacher
  • Liam - Stage Combat Coach
  • Russ - Stage Combat Assistant Coach
  • Anthony - Music Teacher

Other Staff Members

  • Principal Eikner - Former Principal
  • Helen Dubois - Current Principal
  • Helen's Assistant - The unnamed personal assistant of Helen Dubois.
  • Mr. Dickers - Vice Principal
  • Mr. Gradstein - Mentioned to be the Script/Screenwriting Teacher in "Wi-Fi in the Sky."
  • Madame McKee - Ballet Teacher
  • Paul - Drama Teacher
  • Festus - Owner of The Grub Truck, the school's secondary food service
  • Derrick - Security guard
  • Nurse Kotter - School Nurse
  • Coach Davis - Mentioned to be a gym teacher in "Who Did It to Trina?".
  • Latino janitor from "The Bird Scene".
  • Cranky Janitor from "Jade Dumps Beck."
  • Luther - Another janitor who so far has only appeared in "The Worst Couple."

According to Lane, there are 12 janitors in total.

Known Students

Some Hollywood Arts students

  • Tori Vega (lead character)
  • André Harris (main character)
  • Robbie Shapiro (main character)
  • Jade West (main character)
  • Cat Valentine (main character)
  • Beck Oliver (main character)
  • Trina Vega (main character)
  • Rex Powers (main character)
  • Sinjin Van Cleef (supporting character)
  • Fran Reynolds (mentioned character on TheSlap)
  • Ashley (A Film by Dale Squires)
  • Ryder Daniels (Beggin' on Your Knees)
  • Damian (A Film by Dale Squires)
  • Sherry (Prom Wrecker)
  • Gwen (Stage Fighting)
  • Gary Lewis (A Film by Dale Squires)
  • Alison (A Film by Dale Squires)
  • Ed Caray (A Film by Dale Squires)
  • Quartet (Beggin' on Your Knees)
  • Sinjin's crew buddies (The Diddly-Bops, Rex Dies)
  • Darren (Stage Fighting)
  • Jess (Stage Fighting)
  • Molly (The Birthweek Song)
  • Lindsay (Beggin' On Your Knees)
  • Courtney Van Cleef (A Christmas Tori)
  • Eli (Pilot)
  • Burf (supporting character, appeared in Tori and Jade's Playdate, Driving Tori Crazy, Tori Goes Platinum, The Blonde Squad, Wanko's Warehouse, Three Girls And A Moose, Cell Block, One Thousand Berry Balls, The Slap Fight)
  • Ponnie AKA Fawn Liebowitz (appeared in Crazy Ponnie, was the only character mentioned to have been expelled. According to Sikowitz, she was expelled for being crazy.)
  • Sherman Berman (mentioned on TheSlap)
  • Christie (Beggin' on Your Knees)
  • Pepper (The Slap Fight)
  • Posey (Victori-Yes)
  • Gabriella (One Thousand Berry Balls)
  • Elise (The Gorilla Club)
  • Meredith (Tori Fixes Beck and Jade)
  • Braden (appeared in Tori Fixes Beck and Jade and Robbie Sells Rex)


  • Dale Squires (A Film by Dale Squires)



Hollywood Arts bag and a cup of Jet Brew coffee

The school logo

A list of classes at Hollywood Arts High School:

  • Technical Design & Production
  • Musical/Instrumental Classes
  • Modeling
  • Dance (Ballet, salsa, jazz, hip-hop, etc.)
  • Improvisation
  • Theatrical Makeup
  • Stage Fighting (although this may be just a lesson from a more general class such as acting)
  • English
  • History
  • Geography
  • Science
  • Language (Spanish, French, etc.)
  • Math
  • Physical Education
  • Scriptwriting/Screenwriting/Movie Making
  • Craft Services
  • Costume Design
  • Study Hall
  • Office Aide/Counselor Aide
  • Theatre
  • Vocal Music
  • Visual Arts
  • Museum Studies (Photography)
  • Tech Theater
  • R&B Vocal
  • World Cultures
  • Editing (most likely Technical)
  • Current Events
  • Bowling


Lane's office

  1. Decorating lockers.
  2. Editing your blog and have video profiles and segments on
  3. Signing your name on the Wall of Graduates.
  4. Correctly performing The Bird Scene before being able to participate in plays.
  5. No telling others how to pass the Bird Scene.
  6. Joining clubs for extra credit.
  7. Playing an instrument by taking lessons, vocals don't count, although Tori protests this in Stage Fighting.
  8. Performing in the Annual Showcase.
  9. Being a part of Hollywood Arts Aftermath.
  10. Attending the Kick Back.
  11. Having a required education.
  12. Lockdown Safety.
  13. No stealing.
  14. Coming to class on time.
  15. No graffiti without permission.
  16. No singing in the hallways.
  17. No more than 3 hamsters per pocket.
  18. All students must stand and salute the principal whenever he/she walks into the room.
  19. Every month the mime club president must give a speech during lunch.
  20. No writing on/painting/defacing school lockers.
  21. The school uniform used to include bell-bottoms and platform shoes.
  22. No cellphones allowed in the hallways or in class.
  23. No kicking, biting, or head butting.
  24. No purses allowed.
  25. Going to


  • Students at Hollywood Arts eat lunch together in an open courtyard filled with tables. A café called the Asphalt Café is nearby in the courtyard. Music is played overhead during lunch. There is also The Grub Truck where they may purchase burgers, paninis, tamales, burritos, tostadas, etc.
  • There is an Annual Showcase in which students can perform in front of talent scouts and producers.
  • Partying in Hollywood Arts.
  • Game show challenges.
  • Concerts.
  • SAT prep courses (flyers are seen in the background of "You Need to Know This...").
  • There is also a flyer for a Bake Sale seen in the background of this segment.
  • The annual Kick Back, a Saturday night party held in the parking lot.
  • Powder Puff football.
  • Full Moon Jam.
  • Ping pong team (as seen in The Great Ping Pong Scam)

A Hollywood Arts sign on the floor of the main hallway.


School Campus

The Hollywood Arts (Burbank High School) campus.

  • Jet Brew coffee cart-stand - It is seen in a Drive-by-Acting Exercise with Jade and Beck.
  • Asphalt Café - Most of the students dine and linger here.
  • The Grub Truck - A food truck that is run by Festus.
  • The Janitor's Closet
  • The Library - This is where detentions are held.
  • Blackbox Theater - Most of the school's plays and other activities are held her.


Hollywood Arts has a variety of punishments:

  • Detention - For violence in the school and other illegal stuff.
  • Suspension - By escaping detention and not do what's supposed to be followed.
  • Expulsion - Breaking rules and traditions at school campus.


  • Hollywood Arts is seen in every episode except Wi-Fi in the Sky.
  • According to Robbie's Big Toe, you aren't required to come to school on time, yet when Beck shows up late to class, Sikowitz becomes upset, so this is questionable.
  • The wall of graduated Hollywood Arts students

    In the episode Prom Wrecker, it was said that the "Prome" is the first prom in Hollywood Arts, but in Pilot, it was said that Cat didn't get a date for the prom, so this is another questionable trivia.
  • Every student that wants to get into Hollywood Arts must perform some form of natural talent in the fields of acting, playwriting, singing, instrument playing, etc.

    A portion of the banner in the main hall

  • The school's colors are red, black, and white.

    Andre wearing his Hollywood Arts jacket.

  • In the main hall, there is a wall with many names on it. According to Dan Schneider, the cast and crew of iCarly wrote those names; they are meant to be the names of students who graduated from Hollywood Arts. The name Robin Weiner is on this wall; Robin Weiner is the supervising producer of iCarly and has been referenced on both shows several times.
  • In the main hall, there is a large turquoise banner with red lettering hanging from the ceiling which says "all the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players." This sign is never actually seen in the show.
  • There are various articles of clothing with the Hollywood Arts "HA" pendant. André is seen wearing an HA jacket often. Twice in the show other characters have used this jacket to figure out that the gang goes to Hollywood Arts. These two characters were Mrs. Lee in Wok Star and Tara in Freak the Freak Out.
  • Hollywood Arts seems to focus more on acting than it does on regular school classes, such as Latin or Math.
  • In April Fools' Blank, the girls' bathroom is shown for the first time.
  • In April Fools' Blank, the school is changed to say "Hollyweird Arts Pie School", instead of "Hollywood" and "High".
  • The school has sports teams but, prior to the formation of the "ping pong team", they hadn't won even a single trophy.
  • Hollywood Arts appears in the iCarly episode "iParty with Victorious" and the Sam & Cat episode "#MommaGoomer." It also receives several mentions in the latter show.
  • In "Freak the Freak Out", Hayley and Tara voice the opinion that Hollywood Arts is for "wannabes", possibly suggesting that the school has a poor reputation. In both "Tori Goes Platinum" and "Robbie Sells Rex", Mason Thornesmith also expresses a low opinion of the student body.
  • There are two known methods to get acceptance into Hollywood Arts. Either one auditions for a spot or one is invited to attend by the principal. Tori is the only known student to have been invited to attend.

In Real Life

Burbank High School as Hollywood Arts.

Shots of the exterior of the school in montages are filmed at Burbank High School. The shots of the Asphalt Café are filmed on the Nickelodeon Sunset Studio parking lot.

v • e • d Locations
Hollywood Arts High School • Burbank High School • Sherwood High School • Yerba • Puerto Iguazu • Northridge, Los Angeles
Hollywood Arts
Hollywood Arts High School • Lockers • The Grub Truck • The Janitor's Closet • Blackbox Theater • Asphalt Café
Wok Star • Italioné's Pizzeria • Nozu • Inside Out Burger • Freezy Queen • Maestro's • Taco Guapo • Wheely Good Seafood • The Olive Bargain • Frank's Cupcakes • Karaoke Dokie
Stores/Other Companies
Small & Short Store • Aloft Airlines • Bed, Bath and Yonder • Green Meadow Mall • Symone's • Color Me Pot • Wanko's Warehouse • Sky Store
The Vegas' House • The Silver Streak

Is There a Real School Like Hollywood Arts


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