Nature Republic Super Aqua Max Soft Peeling Gel Review

Ok that was a really long name for a product! Try saying that in one go!


I bought this item last November in Seoul because I wanted to try out a face peeling (plus it was half-price, from 15,000₩ to 7,500₩).

As you can see the product comes in a squeeze tub : it contains 150ml.

Here are more pictures of the packaging.


Explanation where the ingredients are from and the packaging is eco!


Explanation of the products i  Korean.


The ingredients and instructions in English and Japanese.

As mentioned earlier the product is in a squeeze tube, the product comes out and it's thick and opaque white. It is a gel texture so it's not creamy.


This product has a lovely smell, well I like it. It has that fresh ocean like, sea smell to it. Like a fresh cologne like Bench Atlantis … sorry I just love the smell of that cologne.
It's more manlier than feminine let's say ( meaning not a flowery smell).

Just like the Nature Republic Nose pack.

The box says you can use it one to twice a week, depending on your skin type.

I use it once a week.

How to use :

You first need to wash your face and dry it.

Once your face is clean, you can now start the peeling.

I use 3 pea size of the product for my whole face.


One for each cheek and my forehead.
I apply it in circle on my face, starting from my cheek to my forehead then downwards.

You will feel like you're putting cream.
After a minute or two, you will feel little balls of deadskin forming due to the friction.


Once you see this, you know the soft peeling has started.

Continue to massage your face until there are no longer formation of these little balls of dead skin.

I highly recommend you do this in the toilet as it does get a bit messy.


Can you see the dirt balls?

The whole process will take max 3 minutes.

Once you are done, you can wash your face with lukewarm water.

Dry your face and you will feel that your face is soft and smooth!


Yeap my sister is my model this time.

You will notice that your face will be a bit brighter since you've removed the deadskin and your skin will be baby smooth!

Then you can continue with your skin routine.

I usually put a serum then cream or toner and cream.

It will be easier to apply your beauty product since your skin is so smooth!

I like this soft peel as it does work.
You will feel the change immediately.

You can buy this product online, I found it on testerkorea and other online shop for around 12$ I think.

It is quite a big tube so it will take me at least 3 months to finish it.

If you are looking for a soft peel, do try this one out and let me know what you think.

Nature Republic Super Aqua Max Soft Peeling Gel Review


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