Perisno on the Art of Fighting With Swords

Originally posted by Viridis:

I never said dual wielding wasn't a thing. I said that dual wielding using swords of the same length wasn't a thing. Read correctly before replying cuz what you state, is exactly what I said, though with lesser words.

You can in fact dual wield swords of the same length. Your own source shows one of them doing it with rapiers, and showing correct stance for utilizing both. Rapiers are still swords, as are arming swords, Gladius, or any number of form of shorter sword.
For all intents and purposes, unless it is a proper two-handed longsword (IE one either not balanced for one handed use or too large for such) you can in theory wield one in each hand. It was not a common thing, and something seen more commonly amongst duelists and other such groups than amongst true soldiers, it was still a thing, and as such, is historical. The reasons that that method of fighting was not common is because in a full battle, the worry of arrows and formations created negatives to the method, not to mention the fact that to properly use identical weapons, you have to specifically train yourself to be good with that weapon in either hand, and from there to obtain the proper mindset required to adapt to using two weapons.

Something many forget about HEMA groups is that they tend to focus on what Professional soldiers were taught and used frequently. The stuff that made it into training manuals becasue it was general purpose. They don't cover more unique or difficult forms of combat, which includes a lot of self taught tricks, that were never written down in a manual.
That aside, the numbers in use in Mount and Blade are small enough that duelling techniques and other such esoteric and out of the ordinary techniques would in fact be seen on the field. FFS some of the potentially strongest units available in vanilla mount and blade are not professional soldiers, but completely untrained docters, engineers, and others like that, with no formal combat training. You can, if you want, even roll nothing but a few companions and a legion of bandits.
Dual-wielding (of equal weapons) was not taught by drill instructors, but that doesn't mean it wasn't used, or that it wasn't effective, for that matter. What was taught to soldiers was the things that were both effective, and quick to pick up.
There are a number of different martial arts that involve a pair of equal weapons, and those martial arts are intended for FIGHTING. There is literally no solid barrier to adapting, say, a cutting based martial art using short swords, to take advantage of longer blades.
As for thosse claiming that it isn't historical in the context of Mount and Blade, keep in mind that Mount and blade has representatives of Asian culture (The Khergits, who draw directly from the mongols) and representitives of far eastern Europe as well, (the Vaegirs are based as far as I can tell, anyway, on various slavic cultures), and even middle eastern (the sarranids).

Perisno on the Art of Fighting With Swords


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