GET Food Design Digest, March 2022 / Group Blog / Sudo Null IT News FREE

For five years straightaway I have been publishing regular reviews of fresh articles on the topic of interfaces, new tools and collections of patterns, interesting cases and historical stories. From the tapes of several hundred thematic subscriptions, approximately 5% of the publications worth publishing are selected, which are interesting to share. Previous materials: April 2010-February 2015 .

Food Design Digest March 2015

Patterns and Best Practices

Baymard E-Commerce Product List Usability: News report &ere; Bench mark
New Baymard Institute report along product listing pages on e-commerce sites. Publicly available excerpts from it:

  • Happening the grandness of indicating unit prices, symmetric if packaging is sold .
  • On the grandness of indicating the add up of voters following to any military rank numbers . I wonder how their percept changes with age.

Getting Users Back From Multitasking
Ben Watanabe parses the multitasking mode in iOS atomic number 3 another path to take in on the job with the application more useful. It shows a smaller version of the last open screen, although it would be much more multipurpose to replace it with squeezing the latest information from the application.

Infographics: Crib by the size up of graphic elements in social networks.
Detailed crib by the size of graphic elements in friendly networks. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Pinterest, Instagram, YouTube, Vkontakte, My World, Classmates.

The Low Hanging Fruit of User Onboarding A
history of shipway to develop users on getting started with the product and a facial expression at their future from DES Traynor.

Excerpts from the latest UXPin interaction designing book

  • An clause about affordans .
  • Four tasks for text in interfaces (greeting, navigation, actions, service) .

Continuous Input In Mobile Devices - Pain Beaver State Realise?
Igor Fastovsky parses keyboard input signal on mobile using swype-like gestures. He offers several improvements for him, allowing to solve two main problems - some of the characters are not visible, and the user does not always remember where the next letter atomic number 2 needs is situated. The decision is controversial, but interesting.

Accessibility APIs: A Key To Web Handiness
About the field of study aspects of creating an accessible surround in a web web browser and a petite about the history of the issue. For one, the article is for techies, but serviceableness should be an interdisciplinary field. Without savvy the limitations Oregon opportunities that technology presents to us, efficient shape is unachievable. And in this clause it is very clearly explained what you can pay attention to when working happening the availability of the web environment.

Animation Patterns in Famous Applications

  • Tumblr for iOS .
  • Blendle Trending for iOS .

Beyond Amobarbital sodium Links - Making Clickable Elements Recognizable
Hoa Loraner lists the rules for selecting interactive elements in an interface.

Niice - A search railway locomotive with taste
The Niice app for iOS, a tool for creating mudboards, has been released.

Customers Who Bought This Detail Besides Bought ... Affinity Depth psychology Explained
Jeff Sauro on how the offer formula for similar products works in online stores. The clause has visual calculations showing how the relationships between them are curbed.

How the duration of the landing Thomas Nelson Page affects its changeover
When to choose the short, and when the tenacious version.

UX Archive Animated
At once Uxor Archive also collects animation examples in mobile applications.

Mystical guidelines for creating great user experiences
An amusing parallel to the design outgrowth with how the Torah describes the existence process. Rather funny than useful, simply no one and only has come from this go with yet.

The Curse of the Mobile Strategy
Jared Spool about the swearing of mobile scheme. Concentrating on only one channel significantly reduces the tasty of options. You should think and act at the level of a general product scheme, not limited to one of them.

User understanding

67 Ways to Increase Spiritual rebirth with Cognitive Biases
Jeremy Smith has compiled a water-cooled ingathering of 67 cognitive biases that are wont to ascendance drug user behavior. The collection is quite unplayful and extensive. It clings that the article begins with contraindications for use and the rationale of "do no hurt".

Winning Over Wary Participants
The great unwashe behave other than, including serviceableness testing participants. For some participants, testing is stress, unnecessary worries. Jim Ross gives several behavioral techniques that will foreclose operating room cut excessive user excitement during testing.

People Get into't Show, They Scan
A survival of theories and concepts on the theme that users are more likely to scan preferably than read texts on the WWW. The ending and conclusions are blurred, but the article has many multipurpose references on this subject.

Positive Blueprint Reference Guide
The account book "Positive Design Reference Guide" by S. Jimenez, AEPohlmeyer and PMADesmet, which has collected 29 models, theories and frameworks dedicated to the "fit-organism-driven" intention, which leaves the user with a good user undergo.

Design for Asia

  • Excellent analysis of Chinese typography .

Change Blindness - Why People Don't See What Designers Expect
Kathryn Whitenton on "Blindness to Change" - why users don't notice some small changes along the website Oregon in the application that they, as the creators of the product should have noticed. For example, the appearing of error messages Oregon about successful completion, filtering the results.

Understanding Context: Environment, Language, and Information Architecture
Excerpt from Andrew Hinton's hold, Understanding Context: Surroundings, Language, and Information Architecture. The book is dedicated to understanding the new context of the user, and this chapter discusses the importance of stories in describing interaction experiences.

In Design, Empathy is Not Enough
Dan Saffer that sometimes empathy is not enough to create a good designing. For optimal results, a balance must beryllium struck between empathizing with the user and observing user experiences from an unbiased point of view. Both extremes do not jumper cable to better results. Continuing the theme:

  • An interesting approach to the development of empathy among designers and developers. The service considers the weight down of the pages of the site in the money of different countries, how much information technology testament toll to visit .

Design for the senior

  • Telecasting around Barbara Beskind, 91-year-old IDEO couturier .

Entropy architecture, conceptual innovation, content scheme

Card Generator
A simple online service for preparing card classification from Lukas Mathis. You need to get in the terms in the column and you can get their printed version, marked on the cards.

Service Design: An Launching to a Holistic Assessment Methodology of Library Services A
memo happening the basics of service blueprint and a case branch of knowledg for their covering at the University of Michigan library. Little new information, simply fairly well and detailed on the shelves.

Design and design of user interface screens

Adobe brick Comp CC
Adobe has released the Comp CC prototyping app for the iPad. Basically, it is non much different from other suchlike tools, but in practice, selfsame pleasant solutions in detail. And most importantly, you can transplant the shape to InDesign, Photoshop or Illustrator for further development. Well, generally, it is built on Adobe technologies, which means it is perfectly tied to other services - including Typekit. Khoi Vinh participated in its creation.

Bind - Building an experimental UI design tool
Alastair Monk makes his own tool around for Bind designers. You can't try it yet, merely it talks roughly its elemental principles - versioning with Git, adaptability away default option using Grid Style Sheets.

Nappy - Design active mocks, directly on your phone
Some other prototype app for mobile apps right connected your phone. Then far, only iOS.

New to Sketch

  • Quick preparation of materials for the AppStore .
  • Integration with Marvel .
  • Malus pumila Look on Sketch Templates by Meng To .

Balsamiq 3 The
third version of Balsamiq has been released.

Introducing Noun Visualize for Mac
The Noun Protrude has released a Mackintosh app. A subscription costs $ 9.99 per calendar month; at that place is a 14-solar day tryout.

Pixel Squid
A modern movement is emerging - stock images with the possibility of elaborate settings earlier downloading and easy to use after it. Early - choose an pictur from a quickly replenished collection, select the desired angle (!) And convey the image in PSD; everything in layers, straight-grained lighting; masks for speedy selection and quick closing off. The 2nd is Illustrio  - trite vector, before downloading you can transfer many parameters (for each picture your own), for example, lengthen the arms of a robot OR repaint the color in of a medal. Continuing the subject:

  • A small instruction for functional with Illustrio service and translating vector illustrations in SVG .

Plugin for Adobe Illustrator, allowing you to pass graphics from layouts in HTML5.

Nietzsche Ipsum Nietzsche-
elan text generator or else of lorem ipsum.

Work with iOS8

  • Bjango's blog describes issues when using PDF for slice designs in iOS .

Publishing Tools

  • The creators of Aesop are launching Orlando di Lasso, another publishing tool in addition to Story.AM . This is a $ 129 WordPress plugin.
  • Nikita Obukhov place together a selection of strong long reads on Tilda, including key hits .
  • Interview with Roman Mazurenko, one of the creators of the domestic publishing platform Stampsy .

How To Create Effective App Screenshots for Your App Page
Explanatory guide for preparing screenshots for Android, iOS, and Windows Phone app stores. Melanie Haselmayr provides a checklist of the necessary information and graphics for various platforms, and also discusses several approaches to assembling the illustrations themselves. Continuing the subject:

  • Screenshot Designer for the AppStore .

From Page to Stage to Screen - Designing an Omni-Channel Experience
Traci Lepore tries to highlight the state of affairs features for the types of platforms - screen background PCs, tablets, phones, kiosks, mailing lists, social networks. Each has its own capabilities and limitations, which are important to consider when pass over-television channel interaction between them.

New for Material Design

  • Many variations on the base of the floating button .

Raw for Pebble

  • The first (unofficial) outfit for prototyping apps for Pebble Sentence .

Malus pumila watch

  • A trifle virtually how, in the conditions of strict secrecy, companies mental testing their applications connected the device .
  • Test laboratory, which explores the scenarios and features of the use of watches for sports .
  • Sketch templates .
  • Carrying out of a branded CSS sensual activeness indicator .
  • A runty case for creating a Wunderlist version for watches .

New for Android Wear

  • ELEKS has unveiled its sight for the Tesla app atomic number 3 a follow-up to a recent similar construct for the Apple Watch . Both cases evince great differences in the approaches of the two platforms, threatening to get over the most common.

User research and testing, analytics

Evangelising user search The
time for fat reports that no one reads has passed. David Travis provides an overview of simple and effective tend-based methods for analyzing and presenting user research results.

The User Is Drunk
An excellent new feeler to testing interfaces - Richard Littauer for $ 250 leave check your site in a boozy State. The production is a report with the problems launch and a screencast.

How Hard Are Your Surveys to Take?
Jeff Sauro offers a methodology for checking user surveys thus that their results are better. He called it SRS (Survey Responder Rack up) and it's something like Nielsen's heuristics, which are suggested to foot race the study in front running it.

A Beginner's Guide to Site Optimization
Good training manual during A / B testing from Charles Shimooka. How to coordinate with past teams, take tools, analyze results.

Does Response Timing Topic in Online Research?
Jeff Sauro is trying to understand how the response rate of respondents in surveys affects the quality of the assessment. This will reserve you to role the data during the study, without waiting for its completion. Late studies either do non show influence, or indicate that responders are faster more supportive. Findings from his experiment show that thither is nary considerable effect.

Should Your Entire Product Team Observe Usability Testing?
The UXMatters discussion about wherefore it is important to invite the entire squad to user explore sessions.

Uxeria - Remote serviceableness testing and selling tool
Some other Uxeria remote serviceableness testing tool. Everything is fairly monetary standard in terms of features.

Visual programming and design in the browser

Tumult Plug 3 In favour of - The Next Revolution in HTML5 Animation
The third version of Hype Pro has been released. Interactive reusable reanimated objects with a physical posture and adaptability for sites, iBooks, advertising.

New for Quartz glass Composer

  • Anton Kartashov began a serial of articles for beginners to work on Vitreous silica Composer. This is a summary of the freshman chapter of the official drug user guide .
  • Another Origami mini tutorial by Francis Cortez . He talks about variation 2.0 using material invention as an example.
  • Anton Kartashov has compiled an fantabulous guide describing the 50 most used patches in Country . Accompanying clause .

Component systems and live guidelines

  • A story about SC5, a framework for creating live guidelines, as well American Samoa standard instruction manual for working with it .
  • GitHub Primer Live Guideline .
  • Guidelines Royal for the Heroku platform .

Web Typography

  • Detailed cheat sheet for special typographic characters connected the web and on the keyboard .
  • Type.js is a library for easier implementation of normal typography on the web .
  • Ways to make superscript characters in CSS .
  • Exploitation the font event API for softer loading of web fonts .

CSS animation

  • Donovan Hutchinson introduced 12 principles of CSS Disney animation along with tips for using each of them in interfaces .

Work with SVG

  • About working with SVG sprites .
  • Tierce ways to use SVG sprites for life .
  • An almost useless, but funny from the point of view of disjunctive vision, near to creating transmitter icons in code using ASCII artwork . Alternative SVG from a parallel universe.
  • Thoroughly visual reminder for working with vector icons . What formats to use for different platforms, how to export files, which tools are ameliorate to usage.
  • The gorgeous online presentation by Sara Soueidan on using SVG for a wide compass of tasks and its advantages over CSS . Infographics, fonts, icon red sprites, animation, etc.
  • A depository library for generating SVG patterns for subsequent information visualization (e.g., evening D3.js) .

Operate with color on the World Wide Web

  • An easy elbow room to colorize projects using the CSS currentColor property .

Work with Flexbox

  • A quick overview of Flexbox features and the six well-nig requested patterns for its use .
  • Clear and clear cheat sheet for Flexbox .
  • Chris Wright makes a visual reminder of the main situations in which the use of flexbox gives advantages over the usual slipway of building a grid . This is a division of the page into several parts with the similar height and card game that look neatly together.

New scripts

  • The source of circular menus .
  • Using CSS animations to create pretty graphic watches (view the arrow :-)
  • Semi-self-moving creation of pel graphics (plug-in to Photoshop).
  • Effectively change over photos in the gallery .
  • A fresh bunch up of experiments from Tympanus .
  • CSS and JavaScript solution for breaking content into multiple content-hanging columns .
  • A great library for realizing the folding effect .
  • Flickity script for implementing adaptive and extend to-oriented carousels .
  • Dynamic presentation of information on the map using amCharts .
  • Other serial publication of scripts with enlivening input fields in CSS .
  • A couple of more downloaders on SVG .
  • How the standard input field for digital data behaves in different browsers on the monstrous web and transferable .
  • A script that allows victimization the button on the web site to quickly switch its mobile and extended versions .

Xcode for designers

  • An overview of the second part of the Meng To Swift Design Course .

Metrics and ROI

One Conjuring trick Formula to Calculate User Experience?
Wouter de Bres is nerve-wracking to derive a oecumenical UX formula. It uses load time parameters (technological and cognitive), note value and quality of interaction. There are many controversial points and inconsistencies, but the idea itself is newsworthy.

Design of government sites

  • Some other example of authorities analytics from the US government . On that point is no reference to the scenarios, as on, just overall useful numbers.

Management of straw man-end projects, processes and teams

No Dickheads! A Guide To Building Bright, Anicteric, And Creative Teams.
The virtually breathtaking team-building clause from Rhys Newman. He analyzes in sufficient detail the values ​​that should underlie a strong and well-coordinated team subject of creating cool products. One of the best materials on the topic.

Agreement and Influencing Business organization
Liam Friedland is trying to shift Michael Porter's value chain to purpose projects.

What does Pair Design look like?
Pair programming is a fairly long-familiar method. Chris Noessel and Cozy's Suzy Homer Armstrong Thompso lecture about pairing excogitation.

False Dichotomies
Lukas Mathis connected how to avert a false duality when discussing design decisions. Ofttimes in the serve of a dispute, a team splits up around a couple of options and sets the scene heated by a difference, instead of digging further and determination other approaches.

Merchandise Management and Analytics

Overthinking vs. Underthinking - Determination the Sweet Spot
A good Kingshuk Das column on biases in pure design thinking and classic strategic business planning. The forward generates a hatful of motivating, but not tied to lifetime and business ideas, the second - an endless set of analytical materials in which it is difficult to make an informed option. He offers a table of situations in which the first and second approaches are applicable.


Disney's $ 1 Billion Gage a Magical Wristband
Disney MagicBand featuring batrachian, arguably the biggest UX jut out of the decade.

Everything is on schedule: how monitoring exploiter activity on the main Mail.Ru helps to live and ...
My colleague Olga Kuritsyna talks about the analysis of the main Mail.Ru Thomas Nelson Page in conjunction with senior events in the country. IT is fascinating how offline events affect the work of a vauntingly audience with web services.

Considerations When Conducting User Research In Other Countries - A Brazilian Case Study
Claire Carlson shares his experience with user research in Brazil. What you need to consider in this food market, in particular and in general, when conducting supranational research with departure to the country.

Redesign Cases

  • Толковый мини-кейс работы над аналитическим кусочков в Intercom. Пользователи просили аналитику, т.е. простой набор не очень полезных графиков в их понимании, но дизайнеры хотели понять, для чего им нужна эта информация, чтобы предложить более подходящее решение.
  • Рассказ о редизайне The Seattle Multiplication от Mike Monteiro. Он говорит в том числе о важности работы с отделом продаж.


Decipherable Wearables
A brand-new era for the web is opening up - adaptability takes smart watches into account. Matt Gryphon dialogue about how they adapted Unshaved's site for very small screens.

Google HATES Your Non Mobile Site
Craig Tomlin on the new Google search engine rules, which now takes into account not only the availability of the mobile version of the site, only also its quality. According to colleagues, the company pays attention even to the correspondence of the capabilities of the banging and mobile versions. The article is a simple training blue-collar to find such problems. Continuing the topic:

  • A quickly overview of how to optimize mobile sites for inexperient requirements using Google Webmaster Tools .


  • Дмитрий Коваленко о проблемах интерфейса iOS8, которые не стали решать, даже зная, что на подходе телефоны с большими экранами.

Автомобильные интерфейсы

  • Дизайн-студия USTWO представила занимательный концепт, описывающий переосмысленный подход к дизайну приборных панелей автомобилей.
  • Вставил пять копеек по поводу концепта приборной панели от ustwo. Надеюсь, будет больше поводов написать о теме, которой интересуюсь уже лет шесть :)
  • Еще один концепт автомобильного UI от неавтомобильной компании. На этот раз дизайн для большого скрина Nikola Tesla.

Design In Technical school Report 2015
John Maeda's news report on the significant increase in the persona of design in modern technology companies over the past few age. Designers found successful companies, large companies bribe design studios, designers become partners in venture Das Kapital companies.

Practical and Increased World

  • A simple account of how VR whole shebang with optical illusions .
  • Fresh video about Magic Leap .

For general and professional development

UX Reactions
A collection of gifs on topical aspects of design work. A good fashio to diversify project correspondence.

The Web's Grain by Frank Chimero
An article supported on Frank Chimero's presentation on professional philosophy, in which helium tries to redefine the current sympathy of the role and tasks of the designer in the late web. An interesting approach to church music design and the overall environment for which products are created.

Sans serif / Objectified / Urbanised: The Complete Interviews The
book "Helvetica / Objectified / Urbanized: The Gross Interviews" has been released, which has collected 100 interviews from three known design films. Fleet Co Design publishes part of a conversation with Dieter Rams from there .

Announcements of trainings and seminars

  • Eff! Bang! Studio запускает онлайн-школу для иллюстраторов.
  • Яндекс запустил школу дизайна. Набирают 30 человек для бесплатных занятий по вечерам, посвященных работе дизайнера в крупной продуктовой компании. Небольшой анонс.
  • На Цукерберг Позвонит вышло развернутое интервью с представителями Британки, школы Артема Горбунова и школы дизайна Яндекса. Сравниваются подходы, программы, условия.

Новые онлайн-курсы

  • Обучалка от Gibbon University.
  • Обучение дизайну, разработке и маркетингу в формате 5-секундных гифок.

Designing for Medical
Ted Goas writes about the features of the interior designer's work in a company that provides medical services. Due to self-abnegating Laws on the protection of personal information in the industry, increased secretiveness, and user equipment is frequently past. Simply the tasks themselves and the chance to help real mass are wildly interesting.

Critical Sharks
A very sensible hold forth along whether it is achievable to criticize the work of large companies. Course, they have to take into business relationship thousands of nuances and act within hard-and-fast limits of time and resource limitations, plus whol this in an fast-growing competitive environment. But without dialogue in the industry, it will beryllium Sir Thomas More difficult for her to develop. The occasion itself (iOS7 release) is already rotten, but the fabric is fresh and the theme is still relevant. The ordinal part of the link is the all but sensible. Part 1  and  2.

Translation of MailChimp's The UX Reader by FRII

  • Part 3: How we conduct explore .
  • Part 4: Designing .
  • Part 5: Patterns and SVG animation .
  • Separate 6: Growth .
  • Part 7: Creativeness and roadmaps .

Web UI Design for the Imperfect Center - Colors, Space, Contrast
Another book of account from UXPin this year, this time about colors, indents and the necessary level of direct contrast in the interfaces.

Excerpts from Gilded Krishna's The Best Interface is No Interface

  • Chapter "Test-settled thinking: Let's make an app!" .

Ergonomist No more. 40
The following, 40th issue of the Ergonomist newsletter was published. In it you will find materials devoted to the problems of professional assessment and selection of personnel, information about new conferences and publications, as well equally several funny ergonomic "diversions"

The Value of Apprenticeships in Cooking and Cartesian product Design
Melissa Mandelbaum compares the experience of internships in design with how they study novice cooks and dialogue about his arriver in the profession.

People and companies in the industry

The Demise of LayerVault and the Market for Creative Tools
Another choppy news this twelvemonth is that the interlingual rendition system for LayerVault designers is terminal . The unlikely twelvemonth and a half, virgin tools for designers appeared almost weekly, then short one of the oldest and nigh famous among them left the market. Khoi Vinh ponders wherefore and whether it touches the balance. Perhaps this is collectable to the purchase of a similar Pixelapse Dropbox serving  - a monstrous competitor has appeared that has greatly undermined the development prospects.

How they got there - A rule book past Khoi Vinh
Khoi Vinh released the Good Book How They Got There, fourteen in-depth interviews with renowned designers. They spill about their careers in detail, with every last its strange twists. The starting time of them was promulgated arsenic a probe , with UX researcher Erika Hall . IT clad that she lived in Russia for many time and knows a little language. Continuing the theme:

  • Tobias vanguard Schneider on how playing World of Warcraft helped his career .
  • How Vlad Golovach began his calling .

New AMA Sessions

  • Mathias Duarte .
  • Chris Coyier from CSS Tricks and CodePen .

Conference transactions

Conference Review: UX Strategies Crown 2014, part 1
Pabini Gabriel-Petit report on the UX Strategies Tip 2014 conference held June 10-12 in San Francisco, USA. A fairly detailed collection of several keynote speeches, although Grace Patricia Kelly Goto has been repeating its display for more a twelvemonth.

Video from Interaction15
Video from Interaction15 held on February 9-11 in San Francisco, USA.

Fresh links can also be tracked in the same Facebook radical . Thanks to everyone WHO as wel publishes links in information technology, particularly Gennady Dragun, Pavel Skripkin, Dmitry Podluzhny, Anton Artemov, Denis Efremov and Evgeny Sokolov. More and many materials seem in reviews thanks to them.

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GET Food Design Digest, March 2022 / Group Blog / Sudo Null IT News FREE

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