GET How we make command and situational centers for large companies / CROC Blog / Sudo Null IT News FREE

Space capsule-type individual command centrist: anatomical chair, panoramic monitor, control panel, video and sound communicating, special software system.

The conclusion-making center of Mosvodokanal OJSC.

Concentres or, as they are correctly named, situational centers is a way well known to you from science fiction films. There is usually a pregnant beautiful video wall where you can watch how the Communists take over the world - or how trains tend to jar with each other. In do, of course, the use of SC is much more prosaic, but frames like in films besides happen.

Applications programme

The general meaning is this: a large video wall in a first-string situation shows everything that is long and difficult to open with your men. For the retail and passenger companies, these are, e.g., streams from cameras, for the construction industry - twist webcams and a map with the crusade of trucks, for the coordination of transport - a large scheme of lines with composition labels, for cell organelle enterprises - indicators of crucial sensors and analytics, plus a picture of "hot" zones and so on. Operators nonmoving in front of such a wall plainly cover it from clock to time to see the unanimous envision. Of course, theoretically, they can open the same video streams and applications connected their screens, but the meaning of a picture paries in normal multiplication is precisely that all the information in one place is constantly visible.

In a critical officecommonly the following happens. Suppose a detector generates an alarum, for example, at a cell organ facility. The palisade volition immediately switch to alarm mode: everything that was shown earlier testament constitute corroded to the side and will be reduced, and in the halfway there will live data from the alarm object, camera feeds and analytics connected it. To the highest degree often, when an alert occurs, a complex section is automatically displayed, and then that within 1-2 seconds you can realize what is happening and begin to react.

Present is a very simplified layout of the touchstone mode:

And here is an emergency reaction:

This is one of the simplified templates of the Sound City. Camera analytics monitors forgotten things (objects that have recently appeared in the framing and do not move) - in this scenario, a forgotten bag at the place is displayed.

In addition, for each one of the operators can utilization part of the test for their own tasks, e.g., display large indicators or telemetry of something specific at the request of the head.

In that respect is also an analytical musical mode when so much centers are victimised for a comprehensive study of the situation by the commission - and you indigence to prevent a lot of information before your eyes.

Computer architecture

A typical situational center consists of fairly simple components separately.

1. Show medium
As a rule, this is a large screen of projection cubes, or assembled from LCD panels with a thin frame. Stitching of projectors is also used, merely such less ofttimes.

This is an example of a cover from LCD panels:

And this is how a video surround from cubes looks like

2. Video wall control controller
Various data are received along the big screen. Atomic number 3 a rule, in normal manner, these are video streams from cameras, indicators from assorted sensors, client application outputs, and so on, plus various analytics indicators, sometimes video communication and unusual multimedia data.

The controller provides switching of completely flows, transformation, analytics applications and customer application conclusions "spin" happening it. As wel, emergency scripts are being worked out right on information technology, placing important objects in the glare.

A controller is implemented connected a single out touch panel (or this functionality English hawthorn be available for all operators, taking into account the differentiation of rights). Here is one simple exercise:

IT is also possible to organize emergency response scenarios, for example, not merely displaying data in centre, but also immediately calling all the reactionist people (including a manual connected their phones), assembling and sending data to those in charge, connecting all the far people into a uniform channel for discussion. When you sit at home and drink down Camellia sinensis, and something happened at the facility, you bequeath have a circuit and telemetry on the tablet in 10 seconds, and communication with the center and the necessary staff of the facility in 12-15.

3. Workplaces of operators
As a rule, the work of the operator of the situational center is not much different from the habitual office workplace. In recent years, increasingly often they put two screens per user, plus sometimes the control of throwing an image of their screen onto a picture wall is enforced in hardware, when you need to quickly demo something to everyone.

In large centers, the operator's workplace is equipped with an intercom for communicating with all early operators or, again, the ability to directly communicate something important to the hale group right from the place. Since usually the centers and SCs are equipped with a "heavy" piece of video conferencing, a bunch of every the operators in a single organisation is made right there - you can also go to the screen with your face and carry something.

Authorization at operator workstations is usually done away RFID operating theater other similar methods. As a rule, biometric authorization at the entrance to the center and authorization with a hardware identify at the workplace are combined.

Very oft, operators have the opportunity from their workplace to link up to the computer control at the facility or to the computer of one of their colleagues - this is done to simplify collaboration.

4. Ancillary equipment
A lot of equipment is used for switching, converting, capturing pictures, sensible, and so on. In general, all this is in the diagram above and does not require separate explanations. It is worth adding that for critical facilities a scheme is used where the failure of any node does not stop the center from working - as a prescript, everything is duplicated.


Everyday musical mode
Monitoring and enquiry mode, when the current problem is being monitored on a long-full term basis, which consists in developing possible shipway to accomplish the finish and monitoring the situation. An example is the observation of atomic objects in normal mode.

The regular mode of monitoring compendium at the camber: hither there whitethorn be a picture of the current collection, a map with transport, statistics, a map with traffic accidents and various summaries.

Stock mode of monitoring objects.

Regular mode of an individual command center: video conference, map of the object under discussion, video analytics.

In working order planning
Based on pre-formalized knowledge of precedents (for example, typical reactions to different types of emergencies) and pre-accumulated info about what is important in much situations, factory-made, pre-improved and authorised by management general decision algorithms are used. This mode is often used by anoint and gas companies: there are much of analytics, and it's selfsame accessible to see everything connected the video wall.

Sc Atomenergoprom, VKS mode. In the video stream, any of the operators can show their logical data.

Work in crisis situations
An emergency or real-time mode, when there is nobelium formalized knowledge of precedents, there are no ready-successful root algorithms approved away direction and the time limit is very limited. This is the same situation center mode that is unremarkably shown in films. If you throw out special personal effects, it is approximately similar.

These familiar notifications are also managed from the situation nitty-gritty.

"Heavy" software part

With the software of situational centers it is overmuch many difficult than with iron. Here's what other than conventional solutions can be inner:

- Consolidation of internal and external sources into a single information space.
Simply put - Big Data for future analytics. Plus autoinformation. For example, the engine collects all the media information on the problem, tweets and mentions in other social networks, BI analyzes the emotional color, and if it drops sharply for a certain region, a presentment is generated for the operators of the billet center. In addition, in exigency situations, a correctly selected social group media feed helps a lot in real-time receiving reports from independent witnesses.

If we are speaking about a geographically dispersed enterprise, the system monitors and analyzes indicators from disparate sources, compares them, identifies atypical situations that lead to failures, emergencies, and models different regular and emergency situations.

This improves the quality of decision making, once again, reduces reaction time, but requires quite serious costs for software, implementation and hardware

- Commercial message analytics.
This is a variable analysis of financial indicators, KPI, personnel, customers etcetera - much Bismuth is very important as a source of information for devising plan of action decisions, for example, on the market. Spell former companies are doing this by eye, the delegation at the decision center can invite a complete analysis for each client (there may be thousands in the country) based on extrapolation of data from past years, clinker-built market trends and former trends. As a consequence, where others work with the trend, people with Bi tools work with specific, albeit same hulking, data. Which are much more accurate than the finger-to-nose method acting. It is clear that much to a greater extent often Atomic number 83 is old for many mundane purposes - speedy real-meter reports on indicators of interest, assembling information from various sources and its integration, independence from the IT section in analytics.

- Vox control.
This is a uncomplicated trick to upper up the management of the situation center, about information technology in more detail my colleague already wrote in a post about "Yaaaaaz!" and speech recognition problems.

Wherefore all this is needed

In fact, the center operating room situational center collects all the important information in one place, plus it allows you to cente emergency situations. General resolve - quickening of the reaction, the convenience of general work, making the right decisions. Less commonly, situation forecasting and analytics. In median mode - monitoring.

I have been involved in the design, installation and commission of civil decisiveness centers for a pocketable over quaternity age now. During this time, our team up has cooked a lot of things for state-owned companies, oil and gas, nuclear, rapture, financial and production sectors. All centers are like a sho working ordinarily, and display a variety of information - from pressure at the nodes of Mosvodokanal to data from sensors of the nuclear manufacture.

If you are interested in learning Sir Thomas More about SC operating theatre ICC for your quickness, ask, I leave answer with pleasure. If the interrogative is private, here is my send -

And we are testing another device in our office, sometimes supplied for situational centers. Guess what it is and what it is for?


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